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Former Laundrie Attorney Files Update In Court
Because clearly, protecting a murdering son is more important than doing the right thing yet again

To catch you up, Gabby Petito’s family has filed suit against the parents of Brian Laundrie for emotional distress because it is believed that the Laundries knew their son had murdered Gabby and they were purposing hiding and lying about that — there by extending the anguishing wait Gabby’s parents went through while authorities searched for their missing daughter. In the lawsuit, the Petitio’s claim that statement’s made by Steven Bertolino, the former attorney for the Laundrie family, caused Gabby’s family “mental suffering and anguish” while the search continued for their daughter.
This lawyer states that the “severe emotional distress” Gabby’s family was feeling was “preexisting” and so he and the Laundrie’s cannot be blamed for it.
Like, seriously?…
Of course it was preexisting — she was already missing when her parents went searching for answers and help finding her!
Once again, Gabby’s family is being re-victimized instead of supported and served justice.
I can only hope our legal system works out in their favor because it doesn’t seem fair or just that people who know their son murdered someone get to hide, lie, and lawyer up without…