Member-only story
Grateful Hearts … Day 4
Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart. -unknown

Welcome to Day 4!
Today our prompt is… Night
My husband is a natural born night owl. Going to bed ‘on time’ takes a serious amount of discipline for folks like him who find the dark hours enlivening and engaging. He would happily stay up until 12:30am, 1:30 — even 2:30am — — and he did until recently when his health forced him to learn how to get enough sleep to be healthy.
Me? I’m quite content to climb into bed well before 10:00pm, snuggling under the covers and feeling the force of gravity loosen it’s painful grip as the bed supports my body. Before chronic illness I would often get up at 5:30/6am and enjoy the silence of the world, and my house. I’d read, savor a cup of coffee and spend some time journaling.
Wherever on the bedtime timeline you find yourself most ‘at home’, what do you also find most difficult about bed time — no matter what time it is?
Are you, like my husband, a night owl who has to force yourself to get enough sleep when you’d rather be up while the rest of the world sleeps? Or are you more like me, content to turn in, someone who enjoys that nestling in under the covers time before they drift…