I applaud you for NOT having unwanted and unlonged for children. It is, indeed such a challenging experience as a woman to not be ‘the norm’… (I think ‘the norm’ is a lie)…
My youngest is moving out in exactly 20 days.
To the other side of the country no less.
For the first time in 28 years I will be living in an “empty nest” and I keep thinking there must be something terribly wrong with me that I am looking so forward to this next stage in my life…
But, really, I was never innately suited to mothering and, while I love my children deeply, I have for years longed for the time in my life when I get to be just me, just Katherine…
Though, yes, I have created these humans and will never not be their mom, having my adult child move out gives me space to live my day-to-day life as Katherine instead of the constant role of “mom” which has always felt awkward. I am profoundly introverted… I am counting down the days till I have time and space in silence to myself.