Member-only story
My Mother Ghosted Me
And I’m grateful for it
My mother is a narcissist.
She cannot stand to not be fawned over.
She cannot stand to not be chased.
She absolutely cannot stand to be held accountable for her actions or inactions.
And, it turns out, I didn’t have to make any sort of grand declaration of going No Contact to get space from her…
All I had to do was stop calling.
She’ll tell you that I ignore her and have cut her out, but in reality, all I did was not return her last two voicemails. That’s it.
And those voicemails?
They were both left on my birthday two years ago and oh my goodness how put out and offended she clearly was that I didn’t answer the phone when she called.
There was no “sorry i missed you / hope you’re having a fabulous day / i love you / happy birthday”…
There was annoyance.
There was anger.
There was “call me back”…
And I didn’t call her back and no here we are, well over two years later and there has been no more phone calls.
I’m relieved.
My mental health continues to benefit from not talking with her.
My trauma healing has certainly benefited greatly from her silent treatment, especially when I remember that the last phone we’d…