Member-only story
Why I’m Giving Up Cookies, Ice Cream AND Wine For Lent This Year

And, no, I’m not Catholic.
What I am is pre-diabetic with worryingly high cholesterol levels.
I got those cheery blood test results at the end of last year. My doctor and I both agree that, while the numbers are concerning, they are still within the range that lifestyle and weight changes can sometimes correct.
So that’s been my game plan.
With words of caution from my doctor to remember to take it very slow and cautiously adding in physical activity so that I can, hopefully, avoid triggering a flair or worse with my Chronic Fatigue.
Since New Year’s I’ve made a couple of very sustainable and gentle changes in my eating choices. I’ve managed a walk approx. once every 10 days too — this is an increase and takes me days in bed, unable to work from the increased pain, fatigue and vertigo. It frustrates me to go so slowly, but I know my long term well being requires it.
So far I’ve gone from 228.8 to 222 — nearly seven pounds.
I’m not bashing my 7# weight loss by any means. It all helps and it all matters and it proves to me that the little changes I’ve made — changes that are so small I rarely even notice them — the changes are both sustainable and working on lessening the load my body…